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Please find below contact details
and contact us today! Our experts always ready to help you.
» The Navdrushti Seva Sanstha (NSS) was formed in February 2008 with a view to provide affordable, quality health care to the rural populace.
» It was the common goal of eight founder members from different professions, which finally resulted in the preamble of NSS.
» In the past 5 years, the NSS has conducted numerous eye camps, general health camps and numerous eyesurgeries, in association with NGOs like Lion's club, Rotary club, Yusuf Meharally Center, etc.
» The Nair Super-speciality Eye Hospital, New Panvel has been providing technical, personnel and logistical support to the NSS since the inception of the Trust.
» To provide affordable, quality health care to the very young and very old of the poorest sections of the society.
» To provide quality education, mainly computer education, to the under privileged rural masses.
» To co-ordinate with various NGOs on issues of rural development and to provide technical expertise in health related issues.
» To establish Sanstha'ssecretariate to co-ordinate all social development programs of the Sanstha.
Since its inception, NavdrushtiSevaSanstha has conducted hundreds of free eye checkup camps for poor villagers ofRaigad District and Navi Mumbai. And also conducted free, weekly eye check-up camp at St. George Church, New Panvel since 2012. Through the Sanstha, free medicines are supplied to the villagers in these camps, spectacles are supplied at subsidized rates and also cataract surgeries are performed for the patients from these camps-free/ concessional rate.
The Sanstha has conducted huge eye check-up camps for the population which needs them the most i.e.,the very young, primary school children and has successfully treated many with potential sight-threatening problems.
Through the Nair Eye Hospital, the Sanstha has arranged for advanced, specialized treatment for select patients, which, otherwise, would've incurred heavy expenditure for the patients at tertiary care institutes.
The NSS also works in co-ordination with various other NGOs like The Lions Club International, Rotary Club, Yusuf Meherally Trust, etc., to carry out various socially relevant projects like Swatchh Bharat Campaign, Road Safety Week Campaign, distribution of books for school children, general and diabetic health checkups etc.
The NSS conducts daily charitable eye OPD for 2 hours at Nair Super- Speciality Eye Hospital, where poor patients are given subsidized eye treatment by experienced ophthalmologists. NSS also conducts 3 major free cataract surgery camps every year on 15th August, 7th January and 26th January, where in a total of approximately 200 patients are operated.
With its latest acquisition of ophthalmic ambulance, the NSS also runs the Mobile Eye Clinic in nearby villages.
The NSS manages the Navdrushti School of Optometry, where it conducts a3-years Diploma in Ophthalmic Techniques course (Affiliated to the Federation of Ophthalmic and Optometric Research and Education centers, New Delhi). The school also conducts a certificate course in Ophthalmic Assistance of 1 year duration wherein comprehensive training is provided in eye disease screening and assistance in eye care procedures.
These courses are very useful as vocational courses and many optometrists who have passed from this school have established themselves successfully in various optical outlets& well known corporate hospitals.
All our charitable activities is managed by means of generous donations from philanthropic individuals and organizations who believe in changing people's lives for the better, in under privileged areas. Your financial contribution towards NSS's mission could be utilized in several ways:-
Support us to support others | Our existing patients who are willing to contribute in our activities can pay little more amount than the consulting/surgical charges, by which we can utilize it for some poor's treatment | Rs. 500/- & above |
Give a sight | Sponsor 1 cataract surgery for the needy | Rs. 2500/- |
Be a partner for a noble cause | Sponsor 1 camp and its surgeries | Rs. 25000/- |
Make someone empowered | Sponsor fees of the optometry course of poor student | As per fees structure |
Donations to the Sanstha are exempted from IT under Section 80G and can be sent to -
NAME: Navdrushti Seva Sanstha
BANK: Axis Bank - Current Account
A/C No: 652010100015589
IFSC: UTIB0000652
BRANCH: New Panvel
Navdrushti Seva Sanstha,
C/O. Nair Super Speciality Eye Hospital,
Plot No. 68, Mihir Villa, Opp. New Panvel Masjid,
Sector-4, New Panvel, Navi Mumbai.
Ph. No. 022- 27461444/ 27451444/9324622702
Email Id-