Please find below contact details
and contact us today! Our experts always ready to help you.

Please find below contact details
and contact us today! Our experts always ready to help you.
Premium Photo Slit Lamp for extensive biomicroscopic examination of the eye
Accurate biometry with immersion A-scan from Palm Scan (Micro Medical Devices, U.S.A.) & the most advanced optional biometry by IOL Master (Carl Zeiss, Germany)
Detailed retina evaluation and eye pressure assessment for every cataract patient
Pre-operative lacrimal passage testing
Pupillary diameter meausurement by wavefront technology
Photographic record of retina by Forus Fundus Camera
Surgical management of cataract (suture less) by Visalis 100 (Carl Zeiss, Germany) phacoemulsification systems and one of the most advanced operating microscope from Takagi, Japan
Wide range of Indian and imported Intra Ocular Lenses to choose from.
Large no. of satisfied patients with multifocal lens implants having excellent near vis
Glaucoma evaluation is done for every patient, above 35 years of age, visiting the hospital with-
Optic nerve evaluation (by 90 Dioptre & 78D Volk lens)
Detailed Gonioscopy (by 6- mirror Gonio lens)
Optic nerve photo graphs by (3netra Fundus Camera)
Perimetry by automated field analyzer –detects optic nerve damage very early
Retinal nerve fiber analysis by Cirrus 400 OCT (Carl Zeiss, Germany),
Accurate intraocular pressure evaluation by Applantion Tonometer (Keeler, U.K.) & Goldman Applanation Tonometer
Prophylactic iridectomy done by Nd: Yag laser
Serve glaucoma cases managed by trabeculectomy and minimally invasive glaucoma surgery.
Detailed imaging of retinal condition by premium Cirrus 400 OCT (Carl Zeiss, Germany)-one of the fastest and most accurate OCT machines available
Retina photography by 3netra Fundus Photo Camera,
Argon Laser for retinal photocoagulation,
Intravitreal injections for diabetic retinopathy,
Cryo-therapy treatments
Surgical treatments available for retinal detachment, vitreous haemorrhage, epiretinal membrane peeling
Detailed evaluation of squinting or deviated eyes
Prism Bar examination
Synaptophore evaluation and eye excercises.
Maddox rod and Maddox wing
Convergence and fusion exercises through synaptophore.
Effective treatment for amblyopia and surgical squint correction.
Measurement of corneal aberrations and irregularities by the most advanced corneal topographer from Rodenstock, Germany
Tear film analysis by digital technology- useful in computer vision syndrome
LASIK surgery for spectacle removal and other refractive surgeries
Pterygium surgery with conjunctival autografting – no stitch, no glue technique
Prosthetic & cosmetic contact lenses for unsightly corneal scars
Corneal tattooing for corneal opacity
Corneal endothelium transplant surgery for endothelial damage
Keratoprosthesis or artificial cornea implantation
Amniotic membrane patch graft for acid/ alkali burns and steven –Johnson syndrome
Patients of all ages may need oculoplasty, i.e. eyelid and facial reconstructive surgery for needs that are purely cosmetic or functional.
The most advanced and innovative techniques of facial and eyelid surgery for such conditions as-
Excess upper eyelid skin that obstructs vision (bleharoplasty),
Eyelid ptosis (droopy eyelids),
Entropion(eyelid folds inwards),
Ectropion (eyelids turned outwards),
Problems of the tear ducts (watering eyes)
Socket recounstriction
Thyroid eye disease
Prosthetic Eye fittings
High quality and self-designed spectacle frames and lenses options
Various types of contact lenses
Ocular prosthesis are available
Accurate progressive lens fitting
Premium, distortion –free, anti-fogging, day-night progressive lenses available
Low vision aids & digital vision magnifiers available for every profession
Conducted hundreds of free eye check up camps and performed thousands of free cataract surgeries in the post 10years, through the charitable wing of NSSEH – The Navdrushti Seva Sanstha – an 80G certified NGO.
Provides Diploma and certificate courses in Optometry through the Navdrushti School of Optometry
Mega school- screening camps and door-step eye care services in old age homes
Active collaboration in rural eye care programs of NGOs like Lions International, Rotary Club, etc.,